Your story matters and is worth sharing.
What I offer
Individual Counseling
One on one counseling allows us to focus on your goals. We may use EMDR, parts work, and mindfulness to resolve emotional wounds and learn how to be present in your daily life.
Group Counseling
Group Counseling is a great way to reduce feelings of shame and help you to feel less alone in your struggles. Group sessions focus on learning coping skills, discussing strategies to manage stress, and challenging unhealthy ways of thinking.
Intuitive Aids
Divination tools, such as Tarot Cards, help us to tune into our intuition and explore our narratives, our spirituality, and our relationship with symbols. These aids may be used in both individual and group sessions.
My Approach
“One size fits all” does not apply to counseling. That is why I offer many different approaches and techniques. Together, we will find a blend of what works best for you during our sessions. Some unique approaches that I offer, and that have been very helpful to many of my clients, are EMDR, parts work, and mindfulness.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) focuses on reprocessing traumatic events and uses the technique of bilateral stimulation. Oftentimes, when a traumatic event occurs, it is as if it is stored in the short term memory. Therefore, we continue to become triggered whenever a reminder comes up. With EMDR, the goal is to resolve the discomfort, the negative emotions, and the responses that occur when we are triggered. EMDR believes that with reprocessing, the brain can resume its natural healing process.
Parts Work is working to understand that there are different versions of ourselves throughout our life. For example, we may have a younger part, such as an inner child, who may have not gotten some of their needs met at an earlier time in life. Sometimes we can have some inner conflict due to these different parts of us, and we may need to work with them in order to resolve wounds and have a better relationship with ourselves and others.
With mindfulness, we can become more aware of how we think, how we feel, and become in tune with our body’s sensations. Mindfulness allows us to focus on the present moment instead of ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Most importantly, practicing mindfulness teaches us to learn how to respond, rather than react.
Spirituality is an important part of my personal life and I believe it has value within counseling sessions, as well. I believe the mind, body, and soul are closely connected. When we begin to address one, the others follow closely along in the healing process. Using intuitive aids, such as tarot cards, can help us connect to our higher self, as well as with a higher power. In addition, utilizing meditation, breathing techniques, and mindfulness, can help us connect to our bodies and our emotions. During sessions, my hope is to assist you in resolving areas where you feel stuck so that you can move towards your goals and towards becoming the best version of yourself.